Wrong image of “Rajneeti”
In today’s world of doctors, engineers and lawyers, barely anyone desires of being a politician. Indian families have a negative stereotype attached to their head and heart about politics. But, Is politics really dirty? Let’s decode the meaning of the word. Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as “shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing”. In sense of administration, the game of proper allocation of resources and power, is politics. The negative picture projected on our mind is an outcome of the penetration of criminal content into politics. It should not be forgotten that today India is termed as a “Democratic Republic”, which is a gift from our political leaders who are lost somewhere in the mist of history.
Background of Indian Student Politics
Student politics is often judged by those JNU protests, but originally it is in existence since around 150 years. All India Student Federation (AISF), established on 12th August 1936, is a vintage in Indian political history. However, it is not a mainstream political association. It is the only student federation that was a part of Indian Freedom Struggle and was inaugurated with speeches of legends like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and M.A. Jinnah.
Hemu Kalani a leader of this federation was arrested in 1942 by British army for taking part in Quit India Movement. But the biggest contribution was realised when AISF aided for completion of “Kothari Commission Report”; the basis of all educational reforms in India. With a slogan of “STUDY AND STRUGGLE”, AISF is fighting against social evils such as racism, degradation in education sector, protection of public education in 28 states.
Have a glance on the records of Indian parliament, most of the brilliant and famous leaders, such as Arun Jaitley, Venkya Naidu, Sitaram Yechury, Anand Sharma and more, are outcomes of student politics.
Why student Politics?
Democracies have often been criticized as Kakitocratic nations i.e. “Rule of the Fools”. Today, India being the largest democracy in the world needs to keep a concrete democratic architecture. Here, a thousand mistakes of the ministers are hidden under the hue of bureaucracy. By this statement I don’t mean to defame the whole ministry, rather denoting the fact that all the members of parliament or legislative assembly need to be well equipped with knowledge of public administration. They need to consult, and not be dependent on, the bureaucrats. Here is a list of reasons why student politics is the need of the hour.
1. Instrumentalization of Education
Racism, religionalism, regionalism are the serious dogmas of the date for which awareness needs to be administered at the grass root level. Students are the best way to ensure that. When we look into Universities like JNU and BHU most of the students belong to the poor families of the rural belt. Entering into politics energize the dormant feelings of social welfare within these students which motivates them to aware the natives about their rights. The purpose of education is satisfied only when we make an impact on the lives of others. That’s why student politics is fair politics.
2. Majority of young mass
Indian demography contains a huge mass of youngsters that can efficiently change the fate of the nation. A leader among them can better motivate them to conduct social welfare through request and reforms. Skills to survive in the real world need to be realized by these young minds, which would help them turn any liability into an asset for the nation. Also, this will attract the fickle minded youth who doesn’t cast vote, resulting in a rise in political responsibility among the youth.
3. Proper molding of Political decisions
Political decisions directly affect lives of people. We often see during election parties make false promises, buy votes, and take other unnecessary steps. Students can very easily recognize the fake faces and the actual needs. They have the power to debate, dissent and can discard wrong political decisions.
4. Self- Growth
Unfortunately, there still exists a huge mass of the youth who are unknown about the day-to-day happenings of the nation. Being political doesn’t mean to stand under the sun and protest for demands rather its more about awareness as to what is going on in the country and to question the relevance. Remember this country is not run by Ministers, officers or businessman sitting in the lavish suits, rather by WE THE PEOPLE.
5. Enriching University Politics
University Politics has been adulterated through a political party's influence, by a bunch of drunkard leaders and, not to forget, violence. We need to keep in mind “Diamond cuts diamond”. These days of adversity can only be eradicated through building civic minded leaders who can push this diverted mass into the right track.
Now the question is how one can learn these skills? The answer is hidden in the line: “The greatest philosophers are results of their teachers.” The more and more a student will take interest in the affairs of state, the better student politics can grow.
Why we avoid “Student Politics”?
Aristotle in his works mentions,
“Nature and necessity makes man to live in the society.”
Today most of our actions are regulated by compulsion i.e. do what is necessary. Most of the families perceive politics as unnecessary which is in fact not true. Lets see a few reason that has sketched this image of politics.
1. Lawlessness by the Students-
This head barely needs any explanation. Students need to inculcate this idea of peaceful protest before raising voice against any entity. The CAA-NRC protest by Jamia Mlilia Islamia University is the most infamous and recent example of destructive student politics. Students indulge in nuisance and chaos motivated by individual party inclinations. The political party influence on students lead them to get diverted from studies.
2. Wrong interpretation of Politics-
Student leaders themselves misinterpret politics and attract themselves to unnecessary controversies. Without any experience they jump into national affairs and find themselves either failed or behind the bars.
A few solutions.
1. Administrative reform
Students need to form a free ideology and this demands training that could be promoted since early schooling.
A body can be instituted within the university to monitor students apprehended to motivate nuisance and mob lynching.
Principles need to keep an eye to make sure unbiased and authentic information are being provided to the children.
2. What we need to make sure
Politics means to promote social welfare not protest that destroys public property.
Reading as many diverse opinions as possible and then to form one’s own opinion.
They need to make constructive criticism not destructive arguments.